Next Level U Sports has partnered with us for our April 11th ID Camp 🤝
The Next Level U Sports team will be on site providing a Recruiting Information Seminar to all players and families in addition to the on-field sessions. The seminar will cover the basics about the recruitment process including player profiles, the importance of video, different leagues and opportunities, and more! 📚
Additionally, all attending players will get a FREE month subscription with our Next Level U Sports Recruit Profile (Promo Code: ID2024) as well as appear on the Camp ID page! Our Recruit Profile features include:
* Coaches can view you in our Athlete Profile database
* Coaches can contact you to offer you scholarships
* Access the Find a School Database to research schools and contact Coaches
* Access to our online Educational Recruiting Seminars
* Access to the Next Level U Sports Resource Centre
* Opportunity for Social Media Features via NLU Sports social platforms
* Make Posts on your Profile for Coaches to see your latest achievements
All players registered for the ID Camp will get an email with instructions on how to register and get set up! The Next Level U Sports team is excited to connect with all participating student athletes and we thank them for helping us provide even more information and value for our athletes! 👏
Spots are available for the ID Camp, sign up today!